Pickup/delivery can be enabled/disabled for each of your locations. Locations can be found under the "Pickup and Delivery" tab.

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Pickup locations

Pickup can be enabled for a location by clicking the checkbox as shown in the picture below.

If you have multiple locations that have pickup enabled then they will all show up as options on the widget:

Delivery locations

Delivery can be enabled for a location by clicking the checkbox as shown in the picture below.

After checking the box, another box will show where you can fill in details for area validation.

Postal/zip code validation

Selecting the postal/zip code option will enable an input on the widget for which customers can enter their location and see if they are within the area you deliver to. If they are outside your area they will not be able to select a delivery date and time.

If you have specific areas you deliver to you can enter them all in, separated by commas. Spaces, uppercase, and lowercase will all be normalized so "m5j 0a7" will match "M5J 0A7" as well as "M5J0a7":

Alternatively, you can use the wildcard feature by entering an asterix () to match a lot more areas with a lot less typing. In the example below, "m5j" would match "m5j0a7", "m5j2b5", "m5j222", and anything else that starts with "m5j".: