The app attaches pickup/delivery details onto orders that can be used within Shopify’s notification templates:

Screen Shot 2022-06-06 at 12.49.38 PM.png

Within Shopify notification liquid templates the pickup variables can be accessed like this:

{{ attributes.["Order fulfillment type"] }}


{{ attributes.["Pickup date"] }}

If the order was created with the help of the app the available list of variables would look something like this for pickup:

*`{ ["Order fulfillment type"]: "Pickup", ["Datetime"]: "2021-11-2T14.5",

["Pickup address"]: "65 Bremner Boulevard, Toronto, ON M5J 0A7", ["Pickup date"]: "Thursday, March 18, 2021", ["Pickup timeslot"]: "7:30 AM", ["Pickup name"]: null, ["Pickup email"]: null, ["Pickup phone"]: null, ["Pickup order notes"]: "My cousin Bob will be picking up the order",


Also please make sure to disable the app's notifications once you're done migrating the pickup details onto Shopify's notifications so your customers don't get 2 emails, which may be confusing.